Mom, do you see now why we asked for a chain saw for Christmas? The view (again) from the porch of what we hope will be our new getaway by week end. A little buzz buzz here, a zip zip there, and maybe we can transform the porch view into the beach view…
… if not for that pesky out building (the neighbor’s) we might. Oh well, as I always say, let not the perfect be the enemy of the pretty darn good.
I’ve been pestered by an upper right quadrant pain this past week. When I first mentioned this to the Happy Wife she went ashen in the face. Don’t misunderstand, as an advanced practitioner with years of experience delivering evidenced based health care to fortunate patients, she nevertheless tilts toward the zebra diagnosis where her husband is concerned. No honey, I tried to reassure her, I don’t think this is the symptom of late stage liver cancer. And yet, some nights she was haunted by nightmares, a chimera loping across an African Plain, a zebra with the head of a man. My head!
Sure enough, as the week passed the pain became more like a mild discomfort, and I became convinced it was caused by a minor tear in my oblique muscle, which happened, I’m quite certain, during a bout of playful wrestling with Happy Wife one carefree Sunday morning in bed. Still, it was a puzzling discomfort I’d not experienced before, so I kept the doctor’s appointment today. After her physical exam of my abdomen she agreed this was not a zebra. If new symptoms appear, the pain worsens, or eating fatty food causes acute pain (gall stone for sure), please call me right away she said.
I am off to a conference next week in San Francisco. Blogging will be light, if at all. Now now, don’t get all weepy, I’ll be back, promise.