A Typical (I must say amusing) Internet Comment Thread.
Ignited by this article at Reason.com re: Voluntary Taxation.
T o n y|
Taxation is always about forcing. A voluntary tax is an absurd idea, especially coming from people who think people are always rational with their money.
I realize that if libertarians ever got off the hobbyhorse of condemning the poor and elderly for being moochers and started realizing it’s the wealthy who have indeed been “coddled” in recent decades, then there would be no point to you existing.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 4:51PM
And if/when you ever realize how much hatred you have of rich people, you might come to the conclusion that such hatred has been misplaced all along and that it accomplished absolutely nothing.
Which is what higher taxes will also accomplish.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 4:52PM
And all that on top of your hatred of straight people, too.
iggy| 11.26.12 @ 4:54PM
And the coddling of the wealthy is the direct result of the same welfare state that breeds low income dependence on government programs.
It’s almost like the problem you’re complaining about is actually your fault.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 4:57PM
Almost? Shit, iggy, you nailed it. Now Tony’s going to have to flop on his princess bed and cry himself to sleep.
T o n y| 11.26.12 @ 5:21PM
Don’t whine about my jocular heterophobia if you’re going to make these kinds of comments, butch.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 5:22PM
Fuck you, asshole.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 5:22PM
Oh, and it’s not jocular if you actually mean it.
T o n y| 11.26.12 @ 5:55PM
You really fancy yourself a telepath don’t you.
Mr. FIFY| 11.26.12 @ 6:05PM
Really, no. And neither is Chris Matthews.