I’ll be in Boston next week, and blogging infrequently if at all. Our company and academic liaison was selected to present a paper at a conference, and we’ll have our shingle out on the exhibition floor in the commercial space. Stop by and say hi you, whoever you might be reading this. All that plus a few meetings with candidate clients will make for a fast-paced and very busy week. “How will I survive without your blogging?!” you ask? There there now, I’ll be back on Friday. In the meantime, enjoy a walk down memory lane. That’s what that search bar over there on the right is for.
It will be nice to see Spring! See, just yesterday we got hammered with an unseasonal snowfall — unseasonal even for us really. And the weatherlady said maybe more on the way. Where would the credibility of forecasters be absent the safety of probability. Weather isn’t true until it arrives, before that it’s merely a likelihood. Before this snowfall it was bluesky for a week and well into the 40s. Qua Alaskan, I should have known better than to get too excited.
Beautiful before the storm came, though! Happy Wife and Harry take a break near the Hope cutoff, during the drive to our Nest on the beach in Seward this past weekend: