I swore the seat belt in 6E had two male ends. I looked to Happy Wife, befuddled, “My seat belt is gay.” She shushed me and shot me a compound facial expression, “Get over it, you must’ve made a mistake, look again and figure it out, and don’t talk so loud.” All in one look!
There are people who study facial expression dynamics. I imagine an app for this would be useful for befuddled husbands everywhere. Simply snap a photo of wife’s expression and use it to search some vast database of all female facial expressions, to discover the True Meaning.
Eventually I did get over it, figured the seat belt out. The female end had a metal “tongue” protruding from it that made it look like another male end. The purpose of this additional appendage was unclear to me. It certainly did not look like the demo seat belt used by the flight attendant — who I’m pretty sure was gay — to provide pre-flight instructions to the passengers on how to fasten a seat belt. I whispered to Happy Wife that maybe I should mention this to the man, that my seat belt did not look like the demo and maybe I should ask him for personalized instruction on how to properly fasten mine? This produced a very different facial expression on Happy Wife, one which I had no difficulty interpreting!
One day Up north we kids rented kayaks and lazily paddled a portion of the Wisconsin River:
Happy Wife in tandem with big sister, big brother with great nephew Caleb. I was voted into the single, and asked (told really) to take pictures.
The following day Happy Wife, Caleb, and myself accompanied our friend Dan on a ~23 mile bike ride that included 7 miles on a newly created trail. A trail that Dan himself had a large role in getting built. What a sweet ribbon of asphalt that was cutting through a sugar maple forest! Dan stopped us briefly to observe a tree that had been ravaged by a rapacious Pileated Woodpecker:
We all agreed the tree appeared to have been dead prior to the assault.
Another day, overcast and rainy, we ventured into the cozy town of Boulder Junction. Much shopping ensued. Antique stores and boutiques of myriad craft work were thoroughly browsed by the women, while we men (us men?) went to the bait shop where I marveled at the artifice of fish lures:
Rod, I receive more than my share of those “compound facial expressions” you refer to from my Lovely Melis. The majority of the compound, I think, is exasperation.