
Woke to a disquieted bowel. (For the record I wasn’t the only one!).

Pardoned myself, rolled out of bed and held the corner of the bedsheets higher and longer than usual to permit evacuation of unwanted vapor. (Not all my own!).

I slipped on my comfys and tip-toed cautiously downstairs. Feeling like a delicate puffball. You know what I mean — all it takes is one heavy footfall too many to jostle a vulnerable bowel and…

Minutes later, downstairs, feeling more settled but not out of the woods, I carefully stepped with coffee in hand (Gepetto is back online!) toward a familiar chair in the kitchen, sat down and opened the laptop thinking I’d search for a solution to offensive anal vapor. With Christmas coming maybe a novel his ‘n her stocking stuffer? (I am not the only offender in this house!).

Good grief, is nothing unfindable anymore:

New line of underwear filters out farts

Incredulous, I clicked…

… and was agassed (sic) to see two product testers.


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