Happy Wife smiles at the announcement of free money. Death and taxes? No mam. Live in Alaska for just one year, stay out of trouble, and they pay you!
PFD = Permanent Fund Dividend.
Oldest PFD recipient this year: 109; youngest: 1. What on earth does a 109 yr old even need for goodness sake?
“Ya know, Granny”s been eying that new walker on Amazon. Made of titanium. Comes in colors even!”
Parents of the 1 yr old deposit the check in the 1 yr old’s bank account, that is if the 1 yr old is lucky. There’s no requirement to do this so far as I know. A child’s guardian simply files his/her PFD application, claims the number of children in the household, and accepts fiduciary control over the check that arrives for each eligible applicant in the house ($1884 per person this year!).
Ah, but in order for the child to get a check, his/her guardian must be eligible themselves. So kids with deadbeat parents get nothing. Kinda sux if you ask me, given children are born tabula rasa, but rules are rules and when they were made nobody asked me.
But there is no rule to prevent guardians from pocketing for themselves what is nominally the kids’ money.
“To hell with it. Johnny & Cindy don’t need to go to a spiffy 4-year college. Community college will do. And why shouldn’t they pay their own way? Builds character. Besides, when I was a child we had to walk over glass shards in bare feet to get to school. No sir, kids these days have it waaay too easy. $3768? Are you kidding me — let’s party!”
For your general amusement, the classic video: “Oh-yeah, well when I was a child…” (LtoR: Tim-Brook Taylor, John Cleese, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman). Marty Feldman!