A day at the Dog Park
Sort of.
No fences. No gates. No struggles finding a place to park the car (in fact we walked). None of that. While the Dog ran and explored and sniffed and did whatever else an alacritous dog does in wide open spaces, we watched for whales. Name me a Dog Park where you can watch for whales while the Dog plays?
I thought so.
And still, after all the years we’ve lived here some people continue to ask, “Why do you live in Alaska?”
See above.
Trump and Clinton both claim they want to Unify The Country. If unification would mean the dilution of what we enjoy up here, then no. Count me out. I’ll stick with division. It sounds like a sour attitude I know, but really, can you blame me (us). If this were your backyard?
Once a week I get email assuring me that major companies are looking for talent like me.
Uh huh.
Like a sucker I click the links and apply for the jobs. I attach my CV. I should link you to my CV so you could look at it for yourself. It ain’t bad, in fact it’s pretty good. Ten publications/book chapters. Hundreds of cites. Proficient and/or Expert in high-demand bio-technologies. Co-inventor of things. Competent Pretty damn good in software development. Etc. etc.. I mean, really, how many CVs combine all that?
And yet my inbox is quiet as a church mouse in a coma. A mouse who’ll never wake up, I’m afraid.
Why? Working hypothesis: I’m Old. That, and I live near a Dog Park where you can watch whales.
And that last is a problem you see. Or, I should say, it would be the problem if my inbox were lighting up. The employer would want me to move. From Alaska to San Francisco, or San Diego, or Boston, etc.. I (we) don’t want to do that. Period. Can you say non-starter? I don’t want to live in a place where whales can’t possibly be seen while walking the Dog, i.e. parts of the country Clinton and Trump want to Unify.
Which is not to say there are not many, many fine places in this country to live. But I (we) already live in one of those places, and so….?