It was one of those days. Emphasis on one. Cloudless. Bluesky. Seventies. Windless.
I threw Otis on top of Roo and Happy Wife drove us to the start line of this year’s colorectal cancer charity ride. It’s nominally a two day ride, the first from Anchorage to Summit Lake (75 miles), and the second to Seward (45 miles). This year they offered a one day option to Summit Lake, which is what I opted for, having arranged with Happy Wife to pick me up at ~2 pm. I hadn’t done any fund raising this year or registered in advance, so I registered on the spot and wrote them a check for the minimum fund raising requirement. A good cause. And a great day. I’ve participated in this event three or more times over the years, and a day like this is one to remember. Much pleasanter than fifty degrees and sideways rain, I think you’ll agree.
Photos: 1) Second water/food stop at base of Turnagain Pass, a gnarly 6 mile climb (~1000′); 2) two riders summit Turnagain Pass; 3) Otis takes a breather at the Hope cutoff, the last water/food stop before the climb to Summit Lake, ~12 miles.
Glad I opted for the one day option. Today it’s raining with other related foulness.
You are putting Otis to great use! It’s great to see it, and that you are enjoying it.