Having read that kvetching against nuisances of the nanny state is pointless[1], I felt momentarily complacent, lost my moral moorings, and actually warmed to the automatic deposit of $878 into my savings account by the administrators of the Permanent Fund Dividend program on behalf of the great state of Alaska. That’s right, free money, from the State, once a year — every year! — just for living here. Really it was $778, because I designated $100 be deducted and donated to a local outfit that succors abandoned dogs while they await adoption. You know what they don’t say: Scratch a Scrooge, find an altruist.
[1] Hat Tip John Venlet
Speaking of John, this made me think of you. A picture I took while riding my bike along the Fryingpan River near Basalt, Colorado last month. Correct me if I’m wrong, that looked like a darn good casting arc to this amateur.
Rod, your “amateur” eye is rather good. What you call that flyfisher’s casting arc is a fine, tight casting loop. I wouldn’t mind wading that stream in the least. Thanks for posting that pic.