Christmas day and snow is imminent. A 32-bit world is reduced to 8, shades of gray, sans the Happy Wife.
A warm morning as we set out on the Brown bear/Black bear trail with the dogs and our friend Meldyne, who’s staying with us until she returns to New Mexico early in January. We love these trails in winter, fear them in summer, as they are aptly named. It was nice to see Campbell Creek open and flowing this time of year, evidence winter doesn’t always get its way, and fun to watch the dogs approach the thin tongues of ice jutting into the river, curious but cautious.
At home and cozy now. We have friends coming for Christmas dinner — surf ‘n turf including Alaska King crab and beef tenderloin on the grill. A perfect evening to be at the top of the food chain.
Merry Christmas all.
RKN, a wonderful, and merry, Christmas was enjoyed here in MI. Sounds as if your Christmas day was also ably enjoyed.
Blessings to you in the New Year.
Back atchya, best in the new year to you and yours.