Our friend Meldyne and Happy Wife chill at the bar after a trying day caring for patients.
I chilled with them, although hardly due to work related fatigue. In fact, this afternoon I sneaked in a nap, having observed the apparent contentment it produced in the dogs who were at the time also both dead to the world. That, and my eyes grew heavy reading Where the West Ends on the Kindle Fire (aka “Kitty”, because we name everything around our house), which should not be interpreted as a slur against the vivid storytelling therein. To the contrary.
The first tale begins with the author and his good friend, both Americans, who we learn love their impromptu road trips, meeting in Turkey. There, the author suggests to his friend they drive to northern Iraq (and back) in two days. Just for a visit mind you. The author had previously visited northern Iraq as a journalist and wanted to re-experience it with his friend. They drive for hundreds of miles along the western and southern borders of Turkey, both of them suffering the symptoms of a nasty intestinal virus of uncertain origin. Eventually, they arrive at the northern border of Iraq, abandon the car there (because evidently only trucks are permitted to cross the border, not civilian vehicles), and then walk and/or taxi over the border under the escort of a suspicious man who we later learn is a Kurd. In other words, one of the good guys. This is 2006, a time when Kurdistan was very pro-American. The author had prearranged for someone to meet them in Iraq to be their escort for the day, but evidently neglected to establish a place where they would meet. After fumbling around for awhile, failing to find an Internet cafe to send an email to coordinate with their would-be escort, they instead settle for the services of another taxi driver who, once he learns these two are Americans, enthusiastically agrees to drive them to the University in the city of Duhok. A place that at first glance could pass for the Simi Valley north of Los Angeles. (Photograph is linked to other photos of Duhok).
That’s about the time a nap sounded good to me.
It wasn’t all pleasure reading and nap time though! No sir. Prior to said reading and nap I worked — yes, worked — to complete a feature in the software our company has been working on for about two years now, which I must say is coming along nicely. Having compiled said feature I immediately put it to use on a project we’re doing for a client, who is interested in our approach for identifying molecular markers of a certain disease they are studying. Sorry to be obtuse, but I think that’s all I’m at liberty to say about it right now.
Ending a diverse day of activity (and non-) in the company of two pretty ladies at a festive bar — what could be better!
Ending a diverse day of activity (and non-) in the company of two pretty ladies at a festive bar — what could be better!
Very few things come to mind.