What Blogs Used To Be

Spammers were all worked up today. They come in waves. Must’ve had >40 get caught in the ol’ spam filter just today. There are days when I want to reach back and tell them, “Look, if I want to buy the Happy Wife a pair of Christian Louboutin red bottom heels — and someday I may — I’ll e-mail you, ‘kay?”

Come to think of it, her birthday is nigh.Hmm.

But alas, I already got her a leather jacket,

which I must say goes quite well with the after-work smile and Sauv Blanc. That, and lately, her boo boo knee has her confined to wearing heels of a more modest height.

I do hope you don’t tire of me talking about her, and other sundry goings-on in our day-to-day life. I’ve never wanted blogging to become, for me anyway, anything but what it was originally intended to be, a fluid journal of personal thought. A public diary really. A motivation to write. I’ve never liked that long ago blogging was co-opted by many to showcase special interest, e.g., politics, and suddenly a blog had to have a theme, lest would-be readers were left to wonder: I don’t get it, what’s the point? Don’t get me wrong, when I go to Instapundit I go there with an expectation, to find content that interests me. I appreciate that. But it’s not a blog; not anymore it isn’t. It’s what I call a Linkery. And evidently a vector for selling stuff the sponsors of the site want me to click ‘n buy. Possibly Christian Louboutin red bottom heels.

Harry is coming to our house Sunday for his debut visit. It’s been less than a year since the Tan Man left us. I like to think Rufus would approve of us caring for Harry for the remainder of his life.