Told you so, the lion and lamb forgot their order.
10-12 inches of snow last night, more in some places about town.
Was the national press a-twitter with our misfortune? No, of course not. But five inches and thirty-four in Cincinnati, a calamity!
Drove Lucy and Harry to Kincaid park for a walk anyway. Roads were unplowed, no visible pavement, an edgeless landscape of white. Navigation was by memory, or sans that, follow the driver in front of you and hope she knows. Even our 6-cyl, 4WD Outback, ordinarily an invincible beast, bucked ‘n chugged.
Alas, we arrived safely and pulled into the parking lot, steering to stay in the deep tracks of a vehicle that had gone before us, feeling the undercarriage shave flat the high mound of snow between. Harry’s a sweet boy, patient, well-behaved, good with other dogs, likes Lucy, etc. etc., but just park the car and grab a leash and he’s in the front seat with you anxious to get out before you know it.
We trudged through knee-deep (my knees) snow until we reached the established trail. Unless you didn’t know there was a trail, in which case your only clue today would’ve been that the snow was suddenly slightly less deep. I know these trails as well as anyone, so even covered in 10-12″ of fresh snow, boundaries indistinguishable, we navigated them with relative ease. Harry somewhat less confidently, tacking back ‘n forth on a long lead (temporary until we get to know and trust him off lead), and Lucy — The Streak — bounding effortlessly ahead, blazing trail. Total showoff that girl.
After the walk we drove back home and I fed the beasts. They both appeared tuckered out.
Some people have wondered why we did it, why adopt an elder Airedale? That’s a fair question. My answer is he’s a sweet boy and we were ready to give another rescue a chance, and I’m partial to Airedales. Plus Harry isn’t technically a rescue, he was surrendered by his family of nearly 11 years, for reasons we don’t really understand, but pretty clearly they took good care of him, he’s certainly a vital 11-yr old, and so Happy Wife and I agreed we’d like to care for him in his sunset years.
Q: “Sure, but aren’t you concerned, you know, given his age ‘n all, that, well, you know.”
A: It’s less about how many years you have left, more about how well they’re lived.
8″ of snow in Indianapolis in the tag end of March is news.
Snow in Alaska is kind of the opposite of news. 😉
And here we are in Whitehorse, we had RAIN today! And the snow is very rapidly melting. It has to do with the forces of Good coming up from Skagway, as opposed to the Forces of Bad coming down from the North Pole. I guess.
I like your blog, by the way. You and and your wife looked quite splendid for the party.
Thank you for saying so, Heather.
RKN, I see that guitar standing there in the corner,
looking rather forlorn. I hope it’s not dusty as, if I recall correctly, you’re supposed to be learning to strum it in order to serenade your Happy Wife sometime in the not too distant future.
Glad to see Harry has taken up residence, and has already picked a chair for relaxing in.