I’m in the middle — working my way through the “H'” stack presently — of copying our CD collection to the computer. An apparently asymptotic task; the stacks get shorter but so slowly you feel you’ll never see the end. I wondered out loud at Lileks blog what to do with the original disks once I’m finished: 1) store them in the crawl space for posterity, or 2) get what I can for them at our local used music outlet. A commenter pointed out, correctly I think, that option 2 would, technically speaking, put me in copyright violation. Happy Wife suggested we salve our conscience and give them away for nothing, maybe to some charitable organization. This seemingly endless task is making me pretty nostalgic. All the invisible pits and lands on these discs represent rock ‘n roll, derivatives thereof, music that over the years has been there for me like a good friend when I needed one most. Call me silly but giving all these discs away would feel like betrayal.
Into the crawl space they go, at least for now.