First things first.
Thank you, Dad. A lot.
I’m quite sure at the time he was telling a good friend what a lady killer I’d grow up to be. He’d have been right about that. A point of pride for him, I’m sure, holding me up there like a trophy, yet lest we forget the wonder of recombination and crossover I’ll remind you that that’s half my mom you’re looking at. But that’s another day. So Dad, today (yesterday really), this one’s for you.
Hot hot hot. I don’t know what’s happening but the temperature in Anchorage today will be well above 83. Someone said 90. It’s not at all unusual for interior Alaska to experience 90s, Fairbanks for instance, but Anchorage? I don’t think so. Weirder still is I seem to have gotten the crud, the kind of infection and symptoms you’d expect in Winter. Congestion, stuffy head, weakness, etc.. Like I said, weird.
Consequently, during my time of weakness wimpiness, Happy Wife has once again risen to the challenge of unfinished chores, seen here sporting a retro bandana watering the raised beds:
Was my Dad right or what?!
With 20 hours of daylight, bluesky, and 70s+, we’ll be entering our zucchinis in the annual big vegetable contest at our state fair. Assuming one will fit on the roof of the car.
Thank you from me as well, Ken. Thank you for being such a wonderful father-in-law and raising your son to be a good man. Looking forward to seeing you in July. (And the bandana in the garden picture was protecting my ears from epic mosquitoes!!)