Our heads were in the clouds on summer solstice:
That’s the saddle on the Artic Valley hike, just before you begin the final climb to Rendezvous summit, which we declined to do this time. Not clouds really, more like a morning haze trapped in the valley that had yet to burn off. For weeks now we’ve had very little cloud cover and no rain to speak of, and if you believe the forecast there’s no end in sight. And blessedly, no mosquitoes up this high. This will be a summer to remember that’s for sure.
We hiked up with our friend Willem and the dogs.
If you click the BIGGER link you’ll be able to make out the abandon radar installation on Mt. Gordon Lyon, and just below it (out of sight) an old Nike missile base. It was active during the cold war, intended to shoot down Soviet bombers if they dared attack US. You used to be able hike right up to it and look around, but since 9/11 I think there’s a fence around it. I joked with Willem and Happy wife, wondering how long it would take us to get noticed up there, sitting around with sketch pads dressed in Turbans and Happy Wife in the Hijab. Not even a muted chuckle did this raise.
Okay then…
Happy Wife is hosting an office party of sorts at our beach house this weekend. Women only. Kayaking, hiking, and bar hopping are among the activities planned. Every one of the women in her office is very professional, for sure, yet several are young twenty-somethings, and so I thought as a responsible homeowner with concerns around safety and liability, especially in the hot tub area, I might install a little webcam monitor, you know, only to make sure that after having maybe a little too much to drink, with inhibitions (and tops) lowered, nobody engages in any unsafe behaviors.
When I suggested this to Happy Wife, however, I’m afraid it went over like a fart in church.