
A perfectly good end to a perfectly good day on a perfectly good patio outside a perfectly good watering hole with a perfectly Happy Wife and a not so perfect boo boo knee.

This time my knee. That one right there:

Happy Wife diagnosed it as an effusion. Underlying cause could be any number of things, but the most likely in my case was over use. The more serious condition of prepatellar bursitis is also known as rug cutter’s knee. Installing (faux) wood floors one weekend followed by molding and bead board on subsequent weekends? — just sayin’. But, it’s nothing ice, Ibuprofen, wifely pampering, and a Sapphire martini or three can’t solve.

Got an early morning report from the beach house that all is going well down there. Happy Wife and her boss made it to bed just after midnight, after dinner, drinking, billiards, and finally a dip in the hot tub. The rest of the girls stayed in Seward, closed the bars, and wandered back after 2 am, commenced giggling and hot tubbing, and were evidently still asleep come 7:30 am, one half hour before they were due at the pier to depart on the kayak trip. Oh boy.