Back Home

Arrived home Sunday at 6:30 pm.

We’d flown from Minneapolis to Anchorage, got a cab home, greeted Lucy with great enthusiasm, unpacked, I inspected the yard and ran back into the house to alert Happy Wife that the blue spruce trees were once again being ravaged by red-headed caterpillars, drove to pick up Harry from friends who had cared for him during our absence, dropped him back home, celebrated reunion, drove to Lowes to buy 32 oz of Sevrin, returned home and sprayed trees, beheld with great satisfaction the red-headed ones curl, stiffen and fall to the ground, mowed the backyard lawn, drove to Fred Meyer to get a frozen pizza and Pinot Noir, baked and ate pizza while enjoying wine with Happy Wife, caught up on episodes of Dexter, felt jet-lagged, went to bed and drifted off to a glorious night’s sleep.

10:48 pm. 30 minutes before sunset.

Earlier that day we’d shared an egg & bacon panini at Surdyks at the Minneapolis airport — chased with Bellinis and Chenin Blanc:

The day prior Team Nibbe bid farewell to a fabulous week of fun in the north woods over a robust breakfast at Leif’s Cafe in Eagle River, WI:

A little shout out to Leif’s: Their pancakes are as big as Frisbees, the breakfast tacos unconquerable, waffles so big they create their own orbit, the coffee pours bottomless and the service prompt and courteous. Reasonable prices too. I am certain, however, that if I lived in Wisconsin I would need to redouble my commitment to portion control else my BMI would go logarithmic.

More vacation highlights later.

1 thought on “Back Home”

  1. regarding Leif’s… may want to share the picture along with your comments with them….they would appreciate the kudos coming all the way from AK!!

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