Got Short

Martin Short pre-party @ Subzero lounge. Gave the pic a noir look ‘n feel in Photoshop, but it made me look like someone who’d fallen asleep in a tanning tube. Happy Wife was stunning, as usual.

I had no idea before the show that Martin Short was 63. He was impressively acrobatic on stage for a 63 yr-old I must say, jumping on and off a piano at various times during the show. His performance consisted of stand-up comedy, amusing song ‘n dance, and a reprise of some of his SNL characters, vignettes of which were shown on screen during character transitions. Happy Wife thought these were the funniest parts of the show. While I kindof agree with her, I can truly appreciate a performer who travels from city to city, getting on stage each night to keep expectant audiences amused for ninety minutes or more. That can’t be easy or free of its own kind of tedium, especially for a 63 yr-old. I thought the funniest part of the show was when he transformed into Jiminy Glick, a character I’d never heard of, and “interviewed” our local weatherlady.

Jiminy interviews Tom Hanks: