Gobble Gobble

Gooey schmooey pumpkin cheesecake. Prior to rendition.

Oh, you see the snow do you? And beyond it the baleful black spruce. Hardy Alaska trees those, but you wouldn’t know it to look at them, uneven and unkempt. One might think mongrels of the tree world yet black spruce — Picea mariana — is a successful species all its own, if its wide geographic range is any indication.

Above, a brooding sky. Not to worry, though. Once the light comes up, feeble though it is this time of year, and the sky clears, as it’s forecast to do, we will share the day with friends and family and express gratitude for our good fortune.

As always thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your inexplicable interest in the unraveling tale of our lives. Gobble gobble.