
Phonecast this morning: -0.7o. You could really feel the point seven part. Shortly after, I checked my phone again and we’d warmed to +0.7o. A great day was in store after all!

Dark outside, too. And quiet. Hoar frost on the trees, everything brittle from the cold.

Lit a fire to improve the ambient look ‘n feel of my space. This involved flicking a wall switch. Sometimes we have to flick two or three times to start — Oh gawd. The world it turns out is awash in natural gas reserves so I don’t feel the least bit wasteful burning some to suit our purpose. Besides, I’m told natural gas (methane, CH4) is the worst of all the greenhouse gases. If somebody doesn’t burn it, producing impotent less harmful combustion products, why there’s a chance that by accident (e.g., mishandling in storage, transportation, etc.) it might escape into the atmosphere and wreck havoc. Sure, the gas could be forced back deep into the ground, but with certain exceptions re-injection is a dumb idea given all the time and effort (and money) that went into getting it out of the deep ground in the first place. Plus, if you cared to click the link you’d see that re-injection is typically done to increase production of crude oil. How does the saying go: Chasing Bad energy with Good. That must really drive global warming alarmists crazy.

Not too much concern about warming here today. The dogs haven’t moved since Harry ventured outside early to take a pee. Little smears of yellow dotting the snow. They will still want demand their walk later today and as usual I will oblige, even though it’s only… let me check… +1.4o! You can really feel the point four part.

2 thoughts on “+0.7”

  1. Rod, we usually don’t get those kind of temps until late January or February. I can’t imagine that this temp is unusual for your neck of the woods at this time of year, is it?

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