
Bad hair day here:

3 thoughts on “Hoary”

  1. I don’t know how to answer a blog and I am also so jealous that you have the energy to do a blog. When I had breast cancer I began a blog. I wrote one sentence.

    Ok., first of all you intimidate me so I was reading Hoary, (how do you do the pictures) and you talked about the weather, pumpkin, tree and snow outside—-then I thought I misread when I began reading about farts. I can never be intimidated by you again. It was marvelous and the picture, OMG.

    I just sent Nancy an excerpt from a manuscript (can’t believe I have written enough to call it a manuscript) and I used the word fuck in what I sent her. Was afraid she would think me crude, a person of loose morals, a derelict, but then I am saved for you wrote about farts. My grandchildren aren’t even allowed to say the word fart, we call it the “F” word.

    I will read more, Rod. Is this the way to leave comments?

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