“May I have my Latte now please.”
Stat Dear!
That was earlier in the week. Now the long weekend begins. We are headed to Seward, the busiest weekend of the year down there by far owing to the Mount Marathon race. We’ve invited along a man I met at work who’s here from the UK doing some contract work. The irony of celebrating our nation’s independence from Great Britain with him has not escaped me. Maybe a little reenactment, sir? Haha.
By the way, why is it called Great Britain? You never hear Great Egypt, or Great Brazil, Great United States, or Great India. I was told by our guest that in fact it was a matter that had stirred a lively national debate. When put to a vote, Great narrowly edged out Fantastic and Amazing. I don’t need to remind you of the all the dangers of an excessive national pride.
And here I sit, as I type, eating an English muffin and listening to a woman on the radio with a heavy British accent go on about something or another. This is what happens when you let your guard down. The proverbial Camel’s nose under the tent. The seemingly innocent day-to-day things that become established in our lives may in fact be the harbingers of tyranny.
Gotta run. Many Honey-Dos to tend to before we can depart Anchorage. Supposed to be warm and sunny throughout the weekend. This pleases me greatly. Enjoy he Holiday!