I got snail mail a few days ago from a journal editor letting me know my story had not been accepted for publication. No biggie, right, add it to the pile. Except this story… I’d sent it in three years ago. Talk about your long wait time. It’s a story about a young man who was betrayed by his friend and mentor, with a tragicomic end. I rather like the story, but I agree with others who read it that it’s a bit long for a short story. I think it may work better as a book chapter.
Imagine, you’ve drifted off into a luxurious sleep. When all of a sudden, you’re awakened by this
It happened to me. July 4th. I’d checked out of the party early (being the wimp that I am), tended to my ablutions, chased my statin and two Ibuprofen with a cold glass of water, slipped beneath the covers and, well, like I said, drifted off into a luxurious sleep. Sometime later, I’m guessing maybe an hour, these five pushed open the bedroom door and woke me up. Even though I was groggy I had the presence of mind to snap a photo. Damn good thing I keep my phone bedside. Positively Hitchcockian.
The one far right was our guest from England. He’s leaving Anchorage tonight to fly to Chicago, a seven hour layover, and then on to Heathrow. Seven hours to Chicago, another nine to Heathrow. Ugh. One thing I love working for an Alaskan company is I no longer have to fly for work. We’re going to miss our friend from England. We didn’t get to know him well, but what we did get to know we liked very much.
He showed me how to root my phone! Encouraged me to keep at it with the guitar (even suggested a novel method for accelerated learning). Praised my latest software at work, and was a most gracious guest as we showed him all we could of this wondrous place we call home.
Oh yeah, and he liked my martinis,
Summer is holding on. Back into the 70s this week. (Speaking of luxurious). Along with our guest from across the Pond we had family visit us for a few days — thoroughly enjoyable. And now, this weekend, it’s just me and Happy Wife at our Nest, taking a breather, until more guests arrive in August. And then come September — Ta Da! — we are Wisconsin bound. Not saying where, exactly, but if you find yourself in front of a tv come 9/28 (hint: Monday Night), tune in to this, you may spot us!