The seat of state government. Or the Butt, as you please.
Inside the rotunda on the second floor we visited the chambers of the Senate and house of Representatives. Both were empty. Probably a good thing. Who famously said: government which governs the least governs the best? In any case, quite the fancy affair. The docent was very knowledgeable and apparently thoroughly enjoyed bending Happy Wife’s ear about the things to see and do about town. Hmm.
She’s never been shy around guns this one. The bigger the better
Later, after considerable walking about we mounted our bikes and ventured out. After just a few miles of pedaling through an industrial area, a stop at an East side bike shop for air and CO2 cannisters we managed to find a really nice trail along a creek. All told we must’ve ridden 15-20 miles. Don’t know for certain, my cyclometer needs new batteries.
Back at hotel we cleaned up and were off again.
A stop here, a stop there, a martini and wine, and a thoroughly scrumptious beef taretare
We ended the night at Mike Tim Love’s restaurant where, if you ever come, DO NOT pass on the burnt carrots with honey and Meyer Lemon and goat cheese. Shessh those were good. Finally, we strolled back to the hotel where we both surrendered to sleep like two jet-lagged Alaskans. Have you guessed where we are?