Some Facts.
Fact 1: I will not vote for Donald Trump for POTUS.
This bears repeating: I will not vote for Donald Trump for POTUS.
Fact 2: The statement, “X is usually wrong,” DOES NOT mean, “X is always wrong.”
Example: I do not generally approve the policies of Obama. However, I do specifically approve his foreign policy decisions over the last (roughly) 8 years. This, I hope you understand, is an expression of intellectual honesty; I believe it is right to give credit where credit is due.
Similarly with Trump (please review Fact 1). Consider a paragraph from a recent report that appeared in the New Yorker, regarding a supposed “agreement” between Cruz and Kasich to prevent Trump from winning the nomination
Collusion is an ugly word. In his statement, Trump said that “collusion is often illegal in many other industries,” which is true, in terms of price-fixing and other antitrust violations, but politics is not one of those industries. As many observers have pointed out, political parties get to set their own rules. But that does not mean that voters like those rules. The problem for the public is that these days there is generally no effective way into the political process except through one of the two major parties. The Democrats and Republicans have become duopolists—too big for anyone else to succeed. That reality creates an expectation that the parties themselves will be reasonably democratic. Collusion is the new “rigged,” the word that Trump uses to argue that there is not a free market in elections, that he is not getting the delegates he deserves, that Party insiders want to steal what’s his. He is trying to make Cruz and Kasich sound like a couple of cartel-backed price-fixers.
Trump is right, the reporter wrong, if she really believes this isn’t an example of collusion. It is an example of collusion, that is, if the definition of words really matters (emphasis mine)
noun: collusion:
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
Here, “others” refers to all the primary voters who voted for Trump (and thus secured his delegates) .
“Secret” refers to the nature of the deals agreed to by Cruz & Kasich, and the machinations many fear will be carried out by Republican party operatives at the convention, to deny the putative Will of the People.
Where, Will of the People = We vote Trump to be the Republican nominee.
You may not like the People’s Will, Kasich and Cruz may not like the People’s Will, party operatives may not like the People’s Will — I may not like the People’s Will! But an effort to subvert the People’s Will (“others”) via mysterious (“secret”) rules/agreements – sorry folks, that’s Collusion. And so far as I recall from High School civics (very little to be honest), it’s exceedingly un-Democratic. Trump is right about that much.
To summarize:
Fact 1: I will not vote for Donald Trump for POTUS.
Fact 2: The statement, “X is usually wrong,” DOES NOT mean, “X is always wrong.”