Mr. Baldwin, may I suggest a Quaalude or two? Temper temper.
Godspeed to these four.
Elsewhere, I was talking to my table mates at Jack Sprat this past Saturday, mentioning with a dubious sense of pride that I’d received my first rejection on a short story I’d sent in, when one of them said, “Oh, you want to be a writer now?” I thought, no, what I really want is readers. And I was hoping the editor at the lit journal where I submitted the story would bring them to me, by way of publishing my story. No such luck. But this is the way it goes I’m told, you twice paper your office walls with rejection letters before your first hit. I mailed the story to another lit journal late last week. Today, to Lowes, for wallpaper paste.
I’d be interested in being one of your desired readers, so, if you’re interested, drop the story to me via email.
Thanks, John, give me a couple days.