Chloe, aka cinnamon girl, aka stinkopotamous – after a gleeful roll in a dead fish on the beach today (Yay!) – has at least one mental health issue we’re concerned about mildly amused by, Separation Anxiety. She gets indignant when we’re away. From the home that is. Left alone in the car, she’s been fine, so far. Although even there, we haven’t pushed our luck beyond the forty minutes or so it takes to shop at Costco. But at home, if HW and I leave for a couple hours, or her caretaker (house sitter when we travel) leaves to run an errand, Chloe’s MO has been to exhibit her displeasure with being left unaccompanied by selecting an item in the home and inflicting damage on it. Lately, her item of choice has been a book. It’s true that left-alone puppies often go for shoes first, I can confirm from personal experience – I’ve seen what a bored Airedale pup can do to turn a pair of stiletto pumps into perforated flats in the time it takes to walk to the mailbox and back. But one, Chloe’s not a puppy, and two, it doesn’t seem she takes the insult of our absence personally like that. Like by tearing into my OluKai sandals, which I’d left in plain site on the kitchen floor before leaving today to go get coffee beans (and stop for a Beer ‘n Bowl at one of my favorite haunts). No. When I returned home the sandals were untouched. It was later, in the fun room, where we go to kick back and chill, that I spotted the most recent victim of her terror: the book I’m reading. The damage this time was relatively superficial, she started in on the back cover, waded into the Index of Names, and then finally stopped about ten pages shy of my bookmark. And even there, only the corners of those pages bear evidence of her canine rage, before, evidently, she stopped and thought, That’ll show em. So the entire book is still readable. A couple weeks ago, while we were away traveling and the house sitter was watching Chloe, she was at it again. This time she shredded an entire paperback HW had kept bedside, fortunately not one she cared about. I got a photo text from the house sitter, Soooo sorry! I was with her the entire time can’t figur when she did this. I think I shot her back a LMAO emoji.
In time, this too shall pass. We’ll get older, Chloe will get older, and all of us will look forward to our alone time now and then. Until that time comes, and eventually it will, maybe I’ll go back to reading books on the Kindle. She hasn’t acquired a taste for electronics, yet.