Basket Case
When eggs arrive at home from the grocery store, they're removed from the carton and placed in a basket -- all of them in
one basket. I know this is woefully contraindicated, but the problem is that even though this is a basket-centric house (N being a basket bigot) our refrigerator is small and so there is room for only one basket for the eggs. We have other baskets in the house, too -- one for laundry, firewood, everything culinary, letters and mail, odd 'n ends, etc. We even have baskets in the car, and maybe the garage as well. Our water bowl is ceramic but that's only because baskets leak. Even Master's sock and underwear drawer has been replaced with a basket, leaving him wondering where he'll keep his
Glock .40. How about a basket?! Perhaps a basket weave shoulder holster, now that would be a novel,
or would it?
Wouldn't it be nice if handguns were integrated with cell phones into a single device, like digital cameras and video games have been? You can imagine the reaction on a crowded bus when your Glock rings!
Headline: "Man arrested for brandishing a cell phone."