There is by now a famous cartoon depicting a dog at a computer with a caption that reads: On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog. Well, I for one have never disguised my real identity. Yes, I'm a dog. In particular, an Airedale. I have never in fact found any reason to erect a net personae of myself like so many other e-charlatans out there who are evidently embarrassed inside their own skin, and babble on ceaselessly about all manner of things for which they are far too intellectually weak to be held accountable for. Anonymity is the ally of the ignoramus! I tell you.
There now, on to the weeks' news.
Here's a woman worthy of praise, Susan Butcher. We didn't know Susan very well, but we knew this much, she treated her dogs with more care, respect, and dignity than many uprights (see FAQ) extend to their own children. Susan was a four time winner of the Alaska Iditarod. Sadly, she
died last week in her fight with leukemia.
And what to make of Floyd Landis. Sheesh. One can only shake their head. Have you seen him talk, trying to defend himself? He's anything but convincing. As I mentioned a post or two ago, an isotope ratio test was performed, and unfortunately for Floyd it did detect a synthetic form of testosterone in his samples. He claimed this morning
during an interview with Matt Lauer that such tests are "subjective." Uh, no Floyd, it's anything but
subjective." Somebody may have doped you when you were unaware, or your samples were tainted after they were taken, or the lab techs are corrupt, but the mass spectrometer is most definitely not "
subjective." That sounds like something one of those e-charlatans would claim.
All too often uprights claim to have heard things, or seen things which they cannot explain. I used to think this was a species specific affectation. But now even Lucy claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary appear in her kibble this morning! I am telling you, there is no hope for this world.