Self Diagnosis
You might recall... okay, you probably don't recall that last April, that would be 2005, Master's
Triglyceride concentration was measured at a whopping 470 mg/dL, or roughly half a gram per decilitre, or about one tenth of a half a gram per litre, roughly one and three quarter grams per gallon, that is about fifty six grams per barrel (liquid, US), or just over a tenth of a pound per barrel! Doesn't sound like much unless you're concerned about hypertriglyceridemia, and/or CHD -- Coronary Heart Disease.
Ta da -- 206 mg/dL!! He's not out of the lipid woods yet, the high end of the normal range is ~ 200, but he can see the clearing.
For a while he was distraught, thinking he might have to give up these delicious N-prepared breakfasts (pictured: "eggs in the nest"), which would have been nothing short of tragic.