New Appointments
Leapin' jeezus, Thursday already! Where does the time go. Why didn't one of you alert me for goodness sake. You probably thought the worst -- Rufus is dead! Not on your life. The four of us are fine, merely busier than nuns in a brothel is all. N, the newly appointed secretary of finance, while maintaining her primary role as goddess of wisdom and pulchritude (lest you forget), and soon to be legally "Mom," is winning the hearts 'n minds of her colleagues at work, while Lucy and I continue to be in charge of houseland security eight hours a day. As for Master, well, if he's not probing the biochemical pathways implicated in biofilm formation of Candida albicans (say what?), he's at Journal Club, or seminars, or prepping to discuss his research, or contributing to grant proposals, or in class. The latter involving everything you ever wanted to know about gene arrays. Accordingly, we have appointed him Minister of Science (aka "MOS" man). Please direct all relevant questions his way.
More witty points of view from dogdom to come this weekend, but for now we return to securing the homeland.
Be well, do good work....