Lighten Up
Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. We (Lucy and I) are presently lounging in the backseat of the Benz. Got a full battery, and an exceedingly stable four-green-bar 802.11b signal, so I might as well blog. We're parked curbside across the street from Carnegie Mellon university, waiting, while N becomes blonde and Master explores the coffee house scene. Don't know why N wants to become blonde, being she's unimprovably pretty already. Unimprovably is not an adverb you say? Too bad, I like it. Plus she really is.
Across the blogsphere people are still debating how life arose on this planet. Purposeless natural selection operating against a gradient of reproductive success vs. intelligent design -- be that a supernatural, benevolent God, or an indifferent, extraterrestrial intelligence. Overwhelmingly, scientists, particularly biologists, believe the former. That's what they say in public anyway. In private, scratch an evolutionist and frequently you'll uncover a skeptic. Staunch evolutionists seem to be somewhat humorless. Express agnosticism toward evoulution and they scowl at you with contempt, much like a rabid religious nut would if you doubted God. Lighten up.
Gotta go, meter maids have turned the corner and our meter has expired.