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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Here Then Gone

   Oh, evanescent spring, where art thou? It had arrived days ago like a gift, remember? Crocus rising, song birds, warm breezes wafting through screen doors, begging visions of bare legs, short skirts, and painted toe nails. Forget it Master. It's gone. A frigid Nor'easter slipped in during the night and snatched her away screaming. Damn Cleveland weather sure is finicky.

   Get a load of that salad up there, willya? And that was merely the antipasto, N followed it up with a to-die-for spinach and cheese ravioli. Lucy and I hung around and begged the dinner guests; we got away with a few schnibbles of Pancetta, and that was it.

   What else is going on with us? Thanks for asking. It was a challenging week that's for sure. N battled bureaucracy at work and Master continues to struggle with a collaborator who won't collaborate. The project goal is to discover possible biomarkers for colon cancer which might have a clinical application in prognosing a patient's chances for progressing to more advanced stages of cancer. A biomarker is nothing more than a protein or small molecule that is up or down regulated in cancerous versus normal tissue. Modern chromatographic methods combined with mass spectrometry can identify this kind of biological variation and quantify it. It's all the rage in proteomic science, and would make for a dandy dissertation with potential for at least two nice publications in high impact journals, but without samples one can't begin!

   In the meantime, we dream about spring time in the desert and await her return here in our fair city of Cleveland.

8:39:28 PM    Comments disabled

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Last update: 7/26/2008; 10:57:39 AM.

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About Me

Airedale Philosophy

How this all got started


What's an Upright?

Upright: noun : a by and large bipedal companion, also referred to as a human being.

What's a Cheechako?

Cheechako: noun : a person new to Alaska who has come with the intention to live here.

Who's Master?

Master: pronoun : just the finest upright on the face of the earth, that's who! To read him is to love him.

What's Dogdom?

Dogdom: noun : Life's venue from a dog's point of view.

What's a Sourdough?

Sourdough: noun : A long time Alaskan who has an automatic suspicion of cheechakos.

What does Outside mean?

Outside: noun : A provincial reference to somplace other than Alaska; usually the lower 48.

What's Breakup?

Breakup: noun : A uniquely Alaskan season between winter and spring when the snow and ice begins to melt for good.

Where is SquareBanks?

SquareBanks: slang : A self-evident euphemism for a place widely known as Fairbanks, AK.

Where can I read the Houston Trip?

Houston Trip: vignette : Here

What digital camera do you use?

Camera: hardware : Canon Powershot A80 (4.0 MP)

Who's Mom?

Mom: Hottie : Have A Look

What's a Squeakamunka?

Squeakamunka: noun : your ordinary gray squirrel which can be seen everywhere in our Cleveland neighborhood!

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