Not Gone, Merely Tied Up
Spider in our backyard, 9.2006
This guy appears to be gift wrapping this fly. Maybe for another spider? Why else. I mean if you're going to eat it yourself why wrap it in silk first?
There's been a lot going on in the world lately, and I'm sure you're all deeply disappointed when you come here day after day to hear this dog's take on it all, only to find nothing new. Sorry, Master's been monopolizing the laptop. Freaky thing that Aussie fellow dying from a stingray poke. What are the odds?
Evidently pretty poor. About as likely as a professional swimmer drowning in a bathtub I suppose.
Tomorrow is the annual Pharmacology retreat where Master is giving a poster. Which explains in part his monopolization of the laptop. And his HDL is up 40% from last December! Evidently the niacin is working. Now he wants to double his dose from 1 mg to 2 mg daily for four months and then assay again. Data from a recent study published in the European Heart Journal showed that two grams a day produces a near maximum increase in HDL:
245 cohorts can't be wrong. Only a five percent chance these data could be explained as having occured by chance. A 10 point rise in HDL lowers the risk of heart attack by about 50%. Master's went from 35 to 49 on Niacin alone. Sure, excersie is up being it's summer, but that shouldn't effect HDL as much as it can lower LDL. Which didn't improve much (191 mg/dL -> 174 mg/dL).
Then again maybe the rise in HDL was caused by marriage. That whole mind body thing you know. Those two are still syrupy as ever.