Oil 'n Water
Some of you have asked what mom does. Well, basically, she poisons people.
"Say what?! Not this bundle of joy and vitality!"
Not personally mind you, somebody else actually administers the chemotherapy, though it is in fact what professionals like her and others do in oncology. It sounds criminal, I know, until you understand how a chemotherapy drug like, say, 5-FU actually works to fight colorectal cancer. Once 5-FU worms its way inside a cancer cell it quickly is converted to a number of different molecules, one which fouls the synthesis of new DNA strands required for unimportant stuff like, you know, cell division. 5-FU can also masquerade as a psuedo-base and get directly incorporated into RNA or DNA, foul the cell's repair machinery, arrest cell divison, and ultimately lead to apoptosis.
Fantastic! We've cured cancer! Not exactly; problem is drugs like 5-FU kill normal cells by the same mechanism. People get sick, sometimes real sick. Not surprising - after all they're being poisoned. So if 5-FU isn't selective how do people avoid being killed by the drug intended to save them? Exellent question. Generally there are many fewer cancer cells than normal cells, and the hope is you can kill most or all of the cancer before the host dies. It's all about dosing and monitoring very closely. And this is more or less what mom does.
Master on the other hand busies himself with questions of pharmacological minutiae like, how do you get a drug across the cell membrane to begin with. It's not easy you know. Cell membranes are basically fat, and generally impermeable to water-soluble stuff (like many drugs). Imagine dissolving sugar in water, loading it into a squirt gun and trying to fire it through a slab of Crisco. Good luck. It all has to do with partition coefficients and hydrophobicity which, even if you don't care to understand it, is a pretty cool word nonetheless.
Example: soy sauce in oil (see picture). Add some sugar and predict where it will go, in the soy or the oil? Simple example, but you get the idea.